
メモ。Windows Server vNext の次のプレビュー


Windows Server Blog > How to Continue Using Windows Server Technical Preview
[URL] http://blogs.technet.com/b/windowsserver/archive/2015/04/03/how-to-continue-using-windows-server-technical-preview.aspx
If you are still using the preview released last October, you may have received notice this week that it will expire on April 15. If you would like to continue your evaluation, we will soon deliver a solution until the next preview is released in May.
4/13 追記) 評価期間を 2015/10/2 (UTC) まで延長する更新プログラムが出ました。
Windows Server Technical Preview and Hyper-V Server Technical Preview Expiration Extension
[URL] http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46447

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